Best 17 Lifehacks and Smart Ideas for Your Home

Best 17 Lifehacks and Smart Ideas for your home 6

Wouldn’t you like easier and faster ways to handle and do every day tasks? Don’t you want some convenient methods to fix common little annoyances and problems in and around your home and life? Yeah sure why not! Of course you do! Whether if you would like a quick no-mess way to fill a large bucket of water from a sink, a way to reuse an old CD spindle for something better than just holding air, or a tip to smooth out scratches and dings that are one furniture, then we got you covered here it this wonderful list of tips and ideas. Checkout everything in the list and surely a few will become your favorites for practically everyday use.

Grab your sister’s hair straightener device and use them to iron your shirt-collars and even other small portions of your other clothes.

Protect and let the plugs of your electrical extension cords last longer wrapping them around some nails which are fastened to a wall or table

Cut out tops and bottoms of soda cans and slide them over your tricky beverages so you can drink them anywhere.

Get pull-tabs from soda-pop cans to let you hang second hanger from the first hanger.

Place a clean dustpan in a sink to easily fill a bucket or other large vessel. Be sure to get one that fits most of your sinks.

Mark your keys with nail polish or another readily available household paint so you can identify and find them better.

Got an a CD spindle without blank CD-R discs? Sure! So use it as a carrier for bagels or some snacks inside.

Save your used ketchup and other plastic bottles, and reuse them for dispensing pancake batter more quickly into a pan.

Collect toilet paper rolls and other cardboard rolls such as from paper towels so you can store long cords and cables neatly.

When people want to borrow something from you, then take a photo of them holding your the stuff they will borrow.

Stab a drinking-straw threw the middle of strawberry to remove its stem and leaf.

Tie together two ends of different extensions before you connect them so they don’t come apart.

Get a hand-held can opener to safely and nicely open hard plastic clam-shell blister packaging.

Gently rub a walnut kernel on furniture to erase out the scratches and dents. Go nuts!

Get a plastic tab from a bred bag to hold a place on the end of sticky tape. You can find the end immediately.

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