18 Create Your Own Garden Kid’s Playhouse Ideas

15.Woody Tree House

Help your kids to own their own fairy houses and learn how to take care of it. Play houses not only minimize the chaos and noise in your house; they are also adding life and beauty to your compound. Today, I will post some amazing playhouse ideas for you to decide which one can suit your home.

Garden Playhouse

It is in a semi-circle shape, covered with grass and painted with little green to match the garden theme. It is a stylish little house; your kids will love it.

Triangle Playhouse

Because of its shape, this is a triangle house made of wood. It is so open to allow enough ventilation for kids while playing.

Hat Playhouse

A traditional playhouse, very easy to make and it is good for kids around 3-5 years because of its height. It is near the trees, good for fresh air and also a perfect shadow from burning sunrays.

Weatherboard Playhouse

I love the entire setup and color mix. It is a small classic playhouse.

Castle Playhouse

This house has more of ancient look than a modern one. Its architecture is awesome.

Stone Playhouse

It looks expensive, yes. Well, it is classic too. But what you don’t know is this house is movable, it has no foundation. You can reposition it to anyplace you want. And that is a plus.

The Pirate Ship Playhouse

This house is gorgeous. It has good imagination for the kids to enjoy their games. It has a climbing net, staircase and ascending ladder. It is also painted in harmless paint which can withstand physical pressures and harsh weather.

Two Storey Playhouse

It is big enough and has plants decoration around it. It is simply beautiful.

Horror Playhouse

It has an irregular and unstable structure, made of reclaimed wood and that little lamp on top is perfect to make it horror. Some kids prefer such scaring house.

Colorful Playhouse

The colors in the woods outstand and spot the house easily. It is beautiful fairy house.

Garden Heart Playhouse

Honestly, this house is very beautiful especially with the idea of surrounding it with a little garden. Flowers have added its beauty to it and everything is just fantastic.

White & Orange Playhouse

It also has two floors, one can be for your son, another for your daughter so everyone has their own space and personalize them the way they want but still, play together.

Vegetable Kiosk Playhouse

Well this goes both ways. If your kids love selling and buying games (or if you are teaching them to have a business mind from early age), this can be a good idea. On the other hand you can actually be having your little kiosk where you sell your goodies from your garden and inside the kiosk, can be a place for kids to play as you’re watching them too. But all in all, without the vegetables outside, it is still a perfect playhouse.

Tree Playhouse

The fun part about the tree house is that you can have as many sliding games as possible. This house has many sections and a built at the centre of a huge branched tree, all this makes it beautiful.

Woody Tree house

This is another playhouse idea you may like. It is quite simple.

Two Storey Tree house

This also has a climbing net, ladder and stairs. It has big space for lots of game activities.

Simple Wooden Playhouse

Another playhouse made of wood, neat and stylish.

Tree Trunk Playhouse

This house is made around the tree trunk. Also the little wood pieces are arranged in a stylish way which makes everything interesting.

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