17 Fun Ideas for Halloween Drinks
Amongst other activities such as Trick or Treating, wearing Halloween costumes and decorating your home with a the Halloween theme, you could decide to through a Halloween party. You can have it themed to a certain time period in history or, just go with the simple Halloween theme and get your audience to dress creepy. For the food, you could make some Halloween themed goodies and for the drinks, here are some fun and delicious Halloween themed drinks for you to make and serve your guests.
Baileys Vampire’s Kiss Shots
To make these shots, you will need to mix Baileys and Vodka. You will need to dip just the rims of the shot glasses in chocolate syrup and then in some sugar. Then, place a raspberry in each shot glass. Finally, you pour into the glasses the mixture of Baileys and Vodka. Voila! Your shots are ready to be served.
Party Drinks Ideas
The idea here is to make the drink look like blood. Mix up all your drinks to make your punch, then use coloring to make the punch look as red as blood. To add to this, you can use syringes to draw up the punch from the bowl and put in glasses. This will look like blood in syringes.
Vampire Cocktail
These cocktails are quite easy to make. All you need to do is to make any light colored cocktails, with the mix of your choice. Then, you will have to add 100% fruit juice of and red juice into the cocktail by using a syringe. This will make the cocktail look as though it has a shot of blood in it. If this does not scream Halloween, then I do not know what does!
Witch’s Brew Mocktail
To make this cocktail, you will need to mix different light fruit juices of your choice, and then add some green food coloring so that the punch is green. This color is associated with witches in fairytales and movies. For the glasses, you can dip the rims in some black colored sugar and stick some jelly eyes with a tooth pick to finish the look.
Goosebumps Punch
The main idea for this drink is to give your guests goosebumps. You can do this by using presentation. Give your shots a little bit of color, such as green, and then add some colored whipped cream on top of the shots. Put in some jelly worms to finish the look.
Hand Ice
This idea is exactly as the title says. It involves putting a hand shaped block of ice into your punch. You can do this by making the ice using a safe plastic glove. It is really that simple.
Zombie Juice
This zombie juice has to look weird and disgusting, just like zombies do. You can do this by using some whipped cream. Add some coloring to the whipped cream then mix the cream with your party juice. Then you pour the juice into some glasses. Add in some jelly eyes and jelly worms to give it a final look.
Frankenstein Potion
For your younger guests, this will be a perfect drink. It involves using some colored juice. It is also quite simple. You can serve the juice in beakers. This is definitely Halloween perfection.
Tapped Pumpkin
This DIY for your Halloween drinks involves adding a tap to a pumpkin so to add as the place where your guests get their punch from. You can put any flavor of punch in the pumpkin and when it comes out through the tap, it will have an added taste of pumpkin. Yummy!
Witches’ Brew
I guarantee you that this will definitely look like a witches’ brew from some fairytales. You can add different juices and alcohol. Then, add a bit of whipped cream on top of the drink to give it a thin white layer.
Pumpkin Keg
This is a simple way to add the Halloween feel to your drinks at your Halloween party. You simply add a tap to an empty pumpkin, then poor in some beer. This will be also easier on your guests, because there isn’t much involved for them to get their drinks.
Witch’s Brew Cocktail
Presentation is everything. For this drink, you must make sure that the glass in which its being served in will make the juice look like some witch’s concussion. Stick some stickers onto the glass that are Halloween themed such as spiders and webs. Having the drink in the green color also helps with the effect.
Easy Halloween Drinks
If you are looking for something simple for your drinks, then that is it. All you are to do is use light colored drinks, pour them into clear cups, drop in a jelly eye and some ice and that is all.
Voodoo Punch
To make this, you will need some Ginger ale, Lime Kool Aid, some Raspberry Torrani Syrup, some sprite and some ice. First, mix the ale, sprite and Kool aid. Then, on the glasses, dip the rims into some black colored sugar. Pour the punch into the glasses, and then with a syringe, add the torrani syrup. To finish it up, you can then add the ice, and drink away.
Creepy Crawly Cocktails
For the creepy crawlies, you can use some jelly insects. Put these insects with water to make ice cubes then simply add these bug infested ice cubes into your drinks. When the ice melts, you will still be able to enjoy the creepy crawlies.
Embalming Fluid
This drink definitely does not have much going on with it. It is simply a green colored punch. You can serve this in glasses that have a unique shape, for example shaped as test tubes. Then you can serve this to your guests.
The key to Halloween drinks is to make them look disgusting and creepy. So for this drink, you can put some red jelly first into the glasses, then pour in some green juice and drop in some fake eyes in it. It is really that simple.