12 Coolest Looks for Halloween

10.Haunted Mail Box

31st of October is the day to show off your craft skills in every kind of way. Halloween happens only once in a year and it is in the perfect weather season where the leaves fall, color changes and nights start to be darker and longer.  All the conditions are perfect, nothing to complain. So take advantage of the festive and wow your neighbors, friends, family and guests the moment they approach your house. Give them a different and exciting taste to remind them that it is Halloween. With the few ideas I have collected for you, you will see that there is nothing to fear. You don’t have to be an experienced DIY doer or attended the arts and craft classes, they are all simple and effortless projects.

1.What is in the Bag

What is in the Bag

Does your yard have large trees? And does it annoy you to rake and burn the fallen leaves on the ground? Well, here is a trick, fill the bags with leaves to get funny looking ghosts crowded under the tree. This will encourage your kids to rake the yard s the more the leaves, the more the bags are filled up and the more the ghosts. They can even name the ghosts if they want.

2.Sinister Black Pumpkins

Sinister Black Pumpkins

Here you will need to use some acrylic paint or black spray to bring good black background that contrasts well with the inner candle light to highlight the ghost faces. Use the tapes to cover the stems while spraying so they remain with their original look. These pumpkins are great for outdoor decorations.

3.Haunting Hooded Ghouls

Haunting Hooded Ghouls

This décor will elevate your Halloween atmosphere into all other new dope level. It explains itself and will blow your visitor’s spines just like that. You will need chicken wire, metal pole, wood and few more materials. Place them at the house entrance as the greeters.

4.Cryptic Coffin

Cryptic Coffin

Generally, you need a wooden pallet, rubber hand, huge chain, yellow lights, pumpkins and black paint to bring this coffin look to life. It is a perfect Halloween outdoor decor.

5.The Birds

The Birds

It is one of the simplest projects to try. Grab few fallen branches from the woods and attach the fake birds on them. Then collect few pumpkins and paint them without carving them for a classy look. It is very perfect to be placed by the corner near the door.

6.The Ghost Ring

The Ghost Ring

Talk about ghost kids and you get this cute group of playful ghosts in the yard using white sheets, metal poles, mannequin heads and a marker. Tie the sheet ends together to bring the “holding hand” look which form the ring.

7.Halloween Warnings

Halloween Warnings

Create your own list of instructions and the warnings you would like your visitors to read the moment they step into your house. These instructions are held by a ghost with his head covered. Achieve the look by using the burlap, chicken wire, convincing Styrofoam stone and skeleton hands.

8.Halloween Mummy Madness

Halloween Mummy Madness

Would they help the poor dead? You’re about to find out. Construct the body shape from the wood pieces and cover it batting and muslin. Then add the little “help sign’ behind it. Spray paint them with little grey, black and rose-gold to get the final muddy look.

9.Ping Pong Ghoost Lights

Ping Pong Ghost Lights

To create this, you will need the following; ping pong balls, cheesecloth, lights, glue and a marker. You will simply have to drill holes into the ping pong balls and push the lights in them. Then using the marker, paint your ghost faces on the balls. Next, cut the cheesecloth and dip them into the glue before covering these balls and wait till they are dry. Place them on tree branches and light them to illuminate your front yard.

10.Haunted Mail Box

Haunted Mail Box

Nothing is wrong with the mail box, but the long creepy hand changes everything. Craft this hand using rubber gloves, newspaper, dowel, old shirt and a pipe insulation.

11.Menacing Pumpkin Man

Menacing Pumpkin Man

This will turn heads, I guarantee you. It is made out of simple materials such as wooden frames, rope, pumpkins and a black wrap. Place it in your yard and receive credits for a fine work.

12.Shuddersome Spider Webs

Shuddersome Spider Webs

Are you an arachnophobia? Maybe you can challenge your fear with this. Let your house be haunted by the spiders, with fake human skeletons caught in their web for a more dramatic look which will draw a crowd.

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